The Strategic Use of Trigger Point Injections at Relief Plus

At Relief Plus, our mission is to embrace the body's innate capacity for healing, supporting this natural process with a blend of innovative and traditional therapies. Among these, trigger point injections emerge as a powerful tool, particularly for those challenging cases where a patient's recovery plateaus with a small, persistent fraction of discomfort remaining. Our approach is conservative yet effective, prioritizing treatments like dry needling and exercise to maximize the body's healing response. Here, we explore the judicious use of trigger point injections, illustrating why they're considered a last resort, not a first response, in our treatment strategy.

Understanding Trigger Point Injections

Trigger point injections are minimally invasive treatments designed to alleviate pain in specific areas of muscle. A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of the body. These injections, often containing a corticosteroid and a local anesthetic, are directly administered to the trigger point, providing rapid relief from chronic muscle pain and discomfort that has not responded to other treatments.

Our Approach: Healing from Within

The journey to recovery at Relief Plus starts with the least invasive methods, respecting the body's ability to heal itself. We often begin with a combination of dry needling and targeted exercise regimens. Dry needling addresses muscle tension and knots, facilitating improved blood flow and nutrient delivery to the affected areas. Exercise, tailored to each patient's specific condition, further promotes strength, flexibility, and healing.

When to Consider Trigger Point Injections

Despite the effectiveness of initial treatments, some patients experience a recovery plateau, achieving 75 to 90% improvement but unable to shake off the lingering discomfort completely. It's at this juncture that trigger point injections become a valuable option. These injections are not our first line of defense; instead, they are reserved for instances where a stubborn segment of pain persists despite comprehensive therapy.

The rationale behind this strategy is straightforward: initiating treatment with injections might offer temporary relief but does little to address the underlying causes of pain or promote long-term healing. Without the foundational support of therapy, the risk of pain recurrence is significantly higher. By allowing the body to heal as much as possible on its own, and then using injections to manage any remaining discomfort, we not only treat the symptom but also contribute to a more sustainable recovery.

A Comprehensive Treatment Philosophy

Our philosophy at Relief Plus is to provide a holistic approach to pain management. Trigger point injections, while used sparingly, play a crucial role in our arsenal of treatments. They are particularly effective for those challenging cases where a small yet stubborn fraction of pain lingers, despite the best efforts of both patient and practitioner. By integrating these injections at the right moment, we can often achieve the final push needed for complete relief, making them an invaluable tool in our comprehensive treatment strategy.

In every case, our primary aim is to encourage the body's healing processes, resorting to more invasive measures only when absolutely necessary. This approach ensures that when a trigger point injection is administered, it's done so with the highest chance of not just temporary relief, but a lasting resolution.


At Relief Plus, we're committed to a treatment approach that values the body's natural healing capabilities, supported by evidence-based, minimally invasive therapies. Trigger point injections represent a key component of our nuanced treatment strategies, employed judiciously to finalize the healing process in those rare, stubborn cases. By fostering an environment where the body is encouraged to heal itself, and supplementing this process with targeted interventions only when needed, we strive to achieve lasting relief and recovery for our patients.


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